Respite Worker/Provider Terms Of Service

Respite NOW is a technology platform (APP) that matches the qualifications of a registered Respite NOW Worker (Third Party Care Provider) with the specific needs of a registered Respite NOW Family.

By agreeing to the Respite NOW Terms of Service I acknowledge that Respite NOW and the hosting agency Community Living Trent Highlands(CLTH) is not the employer of the Respite Worker and that these terms of service supersede any previously agreed terms of service and Respite NOW has the authority to update and modify the access of service at any time and that you will be asked to agree to the terms of service. Respite NOW also reserves the right to deny access to the APP at their discretion for inadequate information, inappropriate or dishonest behaviour. By creating a profile with the Respite NOW APP, you are agreeing to the terms of service that have been created for the Respite NOW APP.
